Thiele Verlag (every volume 112 pages, 10.0 x 15.0 cm, with many illustrations in full colours). More than 220.000 copies sold in Germany.
Thiele Verlag (every volume 112 pages, 10.0 x 15.0 cm, with many illustrations in full colours). More than 220.000 copies sold in Germany.
Books to make you happy. Little best sellers for heart and soul. The charming and successful series from Thiele Verlag.
Always when I go
to the seaside Once in a Lifetime I Once in a Lifetime II It’s Love
You don’t have to win the lottery to fulfill your desires. There are so many things we have always wanted to do, to say, to dare. It is often the little things that make us really happy. Pluck, courage, imagination, a bit of childish curiosity and confidence are the best prescription for making our dreams come true.
With her wonderfully illustrated books Rosalie Tavernier produces irresistible lists of wishes for conjuring more joy into life. Books for dreaming and doing. Surprising ideas and charming suggestions for bringing more sparkle into your life. Books of worldly wisdom that gives you the courage to put your dreams into action.
»At the end of their lives most people regret, not the things they have done, but the things they haven’t done. Have faith in yourself. Let your heart speak. Reach for the skies!« Rosalie Tavernier